Join Us

Joining Form

Thank you for joining this project!

We’re developing a much better experience; meanwhile please fill out the form to join us.
Too much to fill in? You can use the “Save and continue later” button.
First, type your username, for instance mine is ‘javiguembe’. Now it’s your turn.
Your Email Address(Required)
In the future we’ll add alternative ways to contact you as webservices or via Slack, but at the beginning we need this info. We’ll keep this info very well, we are based in Europe so GDPR rules apply to this personal information.

Your current languages

Which languages do you talk as a native? we have added the main ones. If yours is not listed, don’t hesitate to contact us.
You can select one… or more (Windows: Ctrl key, Mac: Command key)

Languages you're interested in

Please feel free to fill in the languages you’re interested in and how well you speak them.
Note: while we’re developing a more complete form, we’ll add this information into separated fields manually. But tell us your passions meanwhile. We’re here to learn about you and provide the best experience possible.
Note: you can see that we have limited the list of languages to one list, in order to better meet the initial needs. You are probably a native speaker or master more languages and it would be ideal to know… you can add them here.
Present yourself to other users. What would you do you like to learn here? Please note: We’ll ask for this if you don’t have any prepared now, so fill the rest of the form and think about it 🙂 .
Public Listing
Do you want to appear in the public user list?
Receive updates by e-mail
Do you want to receive updates of the project? we won’t send a lot of them, let’s say each 15 days or more, We recommend this because this project will become very interesting in just few weeks/months.